Here in the Philippines, most classes start in June. This is the season when parents or students are shopping for new school wears and school supplies. Big discounts and special promotions are being offered by the malls and bookstores. Also, expect longer queues at the checkout counters, fast food chains, and even restrooms! But is this the best time to buy? Would you go out and suffer heavy traffic, because most people in the metro wanted to take advantage of the big sale!? Do we have to buy new stuff every school year or are there better ways to stay away from all these hustles and still get the "school ready" checklist done? In short, are we truly aware of when, where and when is the best time to do our "back to school" shopping?
I must admit that I have enjoyed going to the mall and helped my mom choose my new backpack. New bags, shoes, supplies, even my socks were all new. Besides, my parents said that if I have new school uniforms and supplies, I'll be motivated to study well. Well, yes it did. New stuff gave me extra confidence and motivation not to be absent or late for school. I was very excited to go to school to show my friends the new stuff my parents bought for me.
When I was in high school, my mother got so ill, and we spend a large sum of money to sustain her medical needs. During those trying times, my sisters and I learned and eventually got used to starting the school year reusing our old school shoes, backpacks, and some recycled school supplies too. Then I realized that not all parents are capable of providing new and complete school essentials, and I am still blessed that I was able to attend school despite our financial struggles.
My life back then opened my eyes that it was not about the new, trendy, or refurbished stuff I had at school that mattered, but my dreams and future goals for myself and loved ones were the reasons why I pursued my education.
Now, I am sending my kids to school. I am very particular with what, when, and where I should purchase their school needs. I can strongly recommend that shoppers should buy their back to school items during off-seasons or lean months. This saves me time because if I buy them during the sale, the 2 hour shopping time extends up to 5 hours or more, plus traffic. This means the savings from the discounts would just go to snacks and more expensive taxi fare. So, it is wiser to shop during slack days, when I can move comfortably around the shops, go home on time, and eat home-cooked meals (which I usually prepare before going out to shop).
These principles mentioned above are applicable in ESL classes. Expect that each student has unique values and characteristics. Teachers should be very sensitive and observant about the affective filters of their students and strive to resolve them as early as possible. Murasaki Shikibu said, "There is more here than meets the eye." Not all that we see people, even our closest kin, patronize and do are the best or even true. Hence, ESL teachers should take the time to prepare interesting teaching methods to meet their students' practical needs. Just like a wise shopper, teachers should carefully consider what, where, and when to teach the ESL lesson that would motivate their students to actively participate in the class.
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