As human beings we are capable of cotrolling our thoughts and emotions. In this lifetime, we will have many decision making opportu ities. We would be in situations when we need to decide for ourselves and for others. We are free to choose our paths, but have no cotrol of the consequnce of our actions and decisions. Life is full of up and downs. So, who takes the blame and credits when these happen? Should our attribution internal (we take both blame and credits for ourselves) or external ( others should take the blame/credits)?
These types of attributions are seen around us because of the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic. We've seen how people judged the government policies and official. Some thought that the virus were sort of a biological weapon and the Chinese should be blamed for this! Some thought that the mother nature has cursed humanity for exploting the natural resouces. Others said that the virus mutated because we polluted the earth. Plus, news networks and social media posts had been blamming the government's incompetency in hadling the pandemic.
So, are these internal and external attributions about the pandemic fair? Will it be give us world peace if someone is going to take the blame and if yes, will this be the solution then? Sadly, these countless attributions had been influencing the society's personal and social outlook and will continue to poison our mind if we are careless with our own attribution.
Apparently, many countries raced to produce the covid-19 vaccine. A lot of promising inventions were provided to expedite the test and recovery of many patients. In fact, my sister and brother-in-law are beneficiaries of this inventions. I wonder though, would the attributions to give credits be external or internal for the people who could produce the most effective vaccine? I hope its both, for they all tirelessly worked and each made remarkable contribution in making these vaccines effective.
Now in the field of ESL education. Instructors should be patient and understanding to uncommon or even repeated behavior of students. Undesrtanding student's cause of behavior can help teachers effectively comminicate their students. Being fair is always better.
So, are these internal and external attributions about the pandemic fair? Will it be give us world peace if someone is going to take the blame and if yes, will this be the solution then? Sadly, these countless attributions had been influencing the society's personal and social outlook and will continue to poison our mind if we are careless with our own attribution.
Apparently, many countries raced to produce the covid-19 vaccine. A lot of promising inventions were provided to expedite the test and recovery of many patients. In fact, my sister and brother-in-law are beneficiaries of this inventions. I wonder though, would the attributions to give credits be external or internal for the people who could produce the most effective vaccine? I hope its both, for they all tirelessly worked and each made remarkable contribution in making these vaccines effective.
Now in the field of ESL education. Instructors should be patient and understanding to uncommon or even repeated behavior of students. Undesrtanding student's cause of behavior can help teachers effectively comminicate their students. Being fair is always better.
I like how you discuss the attribution of blame related to COVID-19 and ask if these attributions will solve the problem.